New York
Den Haag
Podcast /

E.P.268 “Dj Edition” – Isorinne


L’ospite di questa settimana è Isorinne, giovane produttore di grandissima qualità che sta proponendo un personalissimo suono ambient di gran classe, come nel suo bellissimo, recente Recollections Of Forgotten Dreams. Per mixa in esclusiva i brani che lo hanno più colpito negli ultimi mesi. Di seguito l’intervista. Buona lettura e buon ascolto!

Per iniziare puoi dirci in che modo ti sei avvicinato alla produzionemusicale ed all’arte del djing?

Sono stato sempre un creativo, ho speso molto tempo della mia vita a produrre arte visuale di ogni tipo, quindi per me passare poi ad un altro tipo di creatività per cosi dire uditiva è stato semplice. Ho tratto ispirazione verso l’uso di strumenti elettronici da un paio di miei amici che stanno nella musica da sempre.

Come definiresti/descriveresti la musica che ami proporre?

Non sono bravo con queste cose, sono sempre stato in lotta con i generi e le definizioni in generale. Penso di poter riassumere questa mia lotta interiore con una frase tratta da uno dei miei film preferiti, Waking Life.

“The idea is to remain in a state of constant departure while always arriving. It saves on introductions and goodbyes. The ride does not require explanation – just occupants. That’s where you guys come in. It’s like you come onto this planet with a crayon box. Now you may get the 8 pack, you may get the 16 pack but it’s all in what you do with the crayons – the colors – that you’re given. Don’t worry about coloring within the lines or coloring outside the lines – I say color outside the lines, you know what I mean? Color all over the page; don’t box me in! We’re in motion to the ocean. We are not land locked, I’ll tell you that.”

Potresti descriverci il tuo step in studio? Con cosa produci musica attualmente?

In questo momento, quando devo produrre musica per i miei progetti solisti, utilizzo lo studio di casa, nel quale ho il seguente setup: due Boss Bx mixers uno da 8 e uno da 16, Nord Lead 1, MC 202, Reface DX, Micro Brute, Monotribe, Electribe Sampler, Volca Sampler, Tom Cat, Eventide Space, Allsound FH-36, Boss CE-3 & DD-3.

Dove hai registrato il podcast? E cosa puoi dirci in merito?

Ho registrato il podcast in casa, con un bimbo in un braccio e giocherellando con la musica con l’altra mano. E’ una selezione di quello che ho ascoltato di più ultimamente, come la maggiorparte dei miei mix, una sorta di playlist del mese nella quale ho inserito anche un paio di inediti.

Puoi parlarci del concept dietro il tuo ultimo disco Recollections of Forgotten Dreams?

Come detto in precedenza, ho problemi con le descrizioni e le etichettature, credo che in generale la concettualizzazione del tuo lavoro tolga a questo un po di magia, è più interessante quel che la gente possa provare dalla tua musica, quel che loro recepiscono e non quel che pensi di dargli. A mio avviso è proprio in questo che risiede la bellezza.

Su cosa stai lavorando al momento?

Stò crescendo due figli insieme a mia moglie, una bimba neonata ed un maschietto di quattro anni, e quando si presenta l’opportunità faccio tutta la musica che posso. Ho alcune cose pronte con D.Å.R.F.D.H.S., hanno solo bisogno di titoli ed artwork, poi sto lavorando ad alcune nuove collaborazioni per la Field Records. Ho anche un paio di cose finite come Isorinne, e se riesco a metterlo insieme, un album per la MIXED-UP

Chi o cosa è la tua maggiore ispirazione?

Universe inc.

Qual è il disco che hai ascoltato più volte nella tua vita? Voglio un solo nome, quello che semplicemente è finito più volte nel tuo lettore e perché.

Nick Drake – Pink Moon.
Ho una strana attrazione per le cose tristi.




D.Å.R.F.D.H.S. – Untitled [Upcoming]
Gunnar Haslam – Sarsi [Delsin Records]
Boyd Rice – Side A Track 2 [Mute]
D S I P – Somnosections (2.1 mg Flunitrazepam i. v. n 12)
Alva Noto – Uni Asymetric Sweep [Raster-Noton]
Officer! – All Reality Is Symbolic [AAA]
Константин Багаев – Тяга [Izhitsa Records]
Isorinne – Untitled [Unreleased]
Isorinne – Andeutdrivning [Blodörn]
Murcof – Cosmos II [Leaf]
Hand Edler – Jag Söker Efter Kärlek [Marilla]
Ryuichi Sakamoto – Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence [London Records]
Neptune Towers – To Cold Void Desolation [Moonfog Productions]
Eric Malmberg – Kålmasken [Zeon Light Kassett]
D.Å.R.F.D.H.S. – Björksundsslingan [Unreleased]
MagmaMagnamT’Eris – Tagning D [Unreleased]
Lebanon Hanover – No.1 Mafioso [Fabrika Records]
Tropic Of Cancer – Stop Suffering [Blackest Ever Black]
Olympisk Løft – Ceto Og Hendes Døtre [Janushoved]
KWJAZ Lite – World Of Phase [Brunch Groupe]
Gato Negro – Untitled [Unreleased]
D.Å.R.F.D.H.S. – Untitled [Unreleased]
Isorinne – Untitled [Unreleased]
Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement – Refuges From Black Magic [Hospital Productions]
1991 – Celebrated As Difficult [Opal Tapes]
Black Rain – Data River [Blackest Ever Black]
Grouper – Vanishing Point [Kranky]
Hakobune – Blackland Prairie Part 2 [Ruralcolours]
Grouper – Recorded In Aljezur [Kranky]
Laurie Spiegel – The Unquestioned Answer [Philo]

To start out, can you tell us how you got into music production?

Have always been into creativity. Spent most of my life making visual expressions of all sorts, so the move over to auditory creations was a natural transition. Got inspired to play with electronic instruments through a couple of friends who’s been into music since day one.

How do you define/describe the music you make and play?

I’m bad at that, always a struggle with genres, definitions and descriptions. Think I might be able to sum up that struggle with a quote from one of my favourite movies, Waking Life: “The idea is to remain in a state of constant departure while always arriving. It saves on introductions and goodbyes. The ride does not require explanation – just occupants. That’s where you guys come in. It’s like you come onto this planet with a crayon box. Now you may get the 8 pack, you may get the 16 pack but it’s all in what you do with the crayons – the colors – that you’re given. Don’t worry about coloring within the lines or coloring outside the lines – I say color outside the lines, you know what I mean? Color all over the page; don’t box me in! We’re in motion to the ocean. We are not land locked, I’ll tell you that.

“The idea is to remain in a state of constant departure while always arriving. It saves on introductions and goodbyes. The ride does not require explanation – just occupants. That’s where you guys come in. It’s like you come onto this planet with a crayon box. Now you may get the 8 pack, you may get the 16 pack but it’s all in what you do with the crayons – the colors – that you’re given. Don’t worry about coloring within the lines or coloring outside the lines – I say color outside the lines, you know what I mean? Color all over the page; don’t box me in! We’re in motion to the ocean. We are not land locked, I’ll tell you that.”

Could you describe your current studio setup? What are you making music with?

Right now, my home studio where most solo stuff are created consists of: Two Boss Bx mixers one 8 and one 16, Nord Lead 1, MC 202, Reface DX, Micro Brute, Monotribe, Electribe Sampler, Volca Sampler, Tom Cat, Eventide Space, Allsound FH-36, Boss CE-3 & DD-3.

Where did you record this podcast and what can you tell us about it?

Did it at home with a baby in one arm and fiddling with music with the other. It’s a selection of what I’ve been listening to lately, like most mixes I put together, sort of like a playlist of the month. Threw in a couple of exclusive tracks for good measure too.

Can you talk about concept and music into “Recollections of Forgotten Dreams”?

As previously stated, I have troubles with descriptions, especially when it comes to things I create. For me labelling and conceptualising bout your work usually removes some of the magic, best when people listen or look and make up their own mind, what the work means to them instead of what it means to me. That for me is where the beauty lies. Interactions, processing interactions and interacting processes.

What are you working on at the moment?

Raising two children together with my wife. One newborn baby girl and a boy of four. And whenever opportunity arises, I do as much music as I can. Got some upcoming stuff with D.Å.R.F.D.H.S. that need track titles and artwork and are working on some new collaborative endeavours for Field, plus some complementary Isorinne material, two or three releases pending, already finished, and if I can get my shit together, an album for MIXED-UP.

Who/what is your biggest inspiration?

Universe inc.

What is the record you listed to most in your life? I want only one name, just the one who ended up the most in you player and why.

Nick Drake – Pink Moon.
I have a weird attraction to sad stuff.




D.Å.R.F.D.H.S. – Untitled [Upcoming]
Gunnar Haslam – Sarsi [Delsin Records]
Boyd Rice – Side A Track 2 [Mute]
D S I P – Somnosections (2.1 mg Flunitrazepam i. v. n 12)
Alva Noto – Uni Asymetric Sweep [Raster-Noton]
Officer! – All Reality Is Symbolic [AAA]
Константин Багаев – Тяга [Izhitsa Records]
Isorinne – Untitled [Unreleased]
Isorinne – Andeutdrivning [Blodörn]
Murcof – Cosmos II [Leaf]
Hand Edler – Jag Söker Efter Kärlek [Marilla]
Ryuichi Sakamoto – Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence [London Records]
Neptune Towers – To Cold Void Desolation [Moonfog Productions]
Eric Malmberg – Kålmasken [Zeon Light Kassett]
D.Å.R.F.D.H.S. – Björksundsslingan [Unreleased]
MagmaMagnamT’Eris – Tagning D [Unreleased]
Lebanon Hanover – No.1 Mafioso [Fabrika Records]
Tropic Of Cancer – Stop Suffering [Blackest Ever Black]
Olympisk Løft – Ceto Og Hendes Døtre [Janushoved]
KWJAZ Lite – World Of Phase [Brunch Groupe]
Gato Negro – Untitled [Unreleased]
D.Å.R.F.D.H.S. – Untitled [Unreleased]
Isorinne – Untitled [Unreleased]
Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement – Refuges From Black Magic [Hospital Productions]
1991 – Celebrated As Difficult [Opal Tapes]
Black Rain – Data River [Blackest Ever Black]
Grouper – Vanishing Point [Kranky]
Hakobune – Blackland Prairie Part 2 [Ruralcolours]
Grouper – Recorded In Aljezur [Kranky]
Laurie Spiegel – The Unquestioned Answer [Philo]